Very fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy.
Pin all your hopes in god, and then you will not be pinned down by man.
The wealth of a rich man can be stolen or burnt, but the happiness & wisdom of the wise remain.
Life may be struggling, but is very good.
When in doubt, just take a positive step.
Life is too short, but we all have to go long way.
Your work would not take care of your health, but your Prayer to Baba,who is your father, mother & friend, will answer it.
Never be anxious to win every argument. Listen to others also.
Smiling is more healing than crying alone.
Never get angry, Baba knows, when & how to take care of you.
Save for retirement starting with your first pay cheque.
Make peace with your past & don't screw up the present.
Never compare your life with others to make yourself miserable.
Never make any relationship a secret.
Everything can change in the blink of an eye. Have Shraddha & Saburi inBaba.
Take a deep breath to calm the mind.
Be resourceful to acquire what you love in life.
Burn the candles to enlighten others. Don't save it for a specialoccasion. Today is special.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you. Be selective & choosey.
Forgive & Forget to make others happy.
Time heals all the wounds. Have patience.
Good or bad is never permanent, welcome a change.
God loves you because you are one of His creations.
Come out & adopt positive attitude to witness miraculous ways of Baba.
Envy is a waste of time.
The best in you is knocking your door. Look in to feel His presence.
Never get into any arguments; feel fresh, get up, dress up & show upwith a smile.
Life isn't tied with a bow, but still is a gift showered by GodAlmighty.
If I keep the weaknesses of others in my mind, they soon become a part of me.
The ego is the poison of the soul...drink in the bliss and spit out the poison.
To be free from negative thoughts is to be free from punishment.
In the long run the most difficult thing is to search for an easy way out.
If I enjoy praise, it means I can be easily hurt by defamation
Try to conquer greed now because “while man becomes old, his greed becomes youthful
The end of birth is death. The end of death is birth.
The stronger your attachment the greater the power of the Maya (the illusion : Her creation) over you.
"I put firm faith in the words of my Guru, considering them more valuable than all the shastras put together." Gajanan Maharaj
Don't poison your soul, mind, heart and body with negativity....bathe in Divine positive love.
Your Soul is always trying to be heard above the noise of your mind, when you quiet your mind your Soul takes command!
Pin all your hopes in god, then you will not be pinned down by man.
Remember that you are very special. NO ONE can play your role better than you.
If someone defames you or insults you, shower him with flowers, smiles and good wishes
When you get angry, you lose more than your temper
When all your attachments are with the one God, then your achievements are many
When people cannot stand you because they do not understand you, God will stand by you.
To give happiness to others is a great act of charity.
A slip of the foot we many recover, but a slip of the tongue leaves a deep imprint.
Life is like a drama. If I understand the plot, there is great happiness
To smile in the face of disaster is the result of a stable mind.
If God answers ur prayer,He is increasing ur faith. If He delays,He is increasing ur patience. If he doesn’t answer,He knows u can handle.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
If a relationship has to be a secret,you shouldn't be in it.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
How many times should I forgive, I am tired of forgiving? – Forgive as many times as you would wish God to forgive you! ~ Dada J P Vaswani
Never do anything which you would not wish to do during the last hour of your life. Dada J.P. Vaswani
Ego-based desire is the root cause of all suffering.
Contentment is the destroyer of all three - desires, anger and greed. Knowledge leads to freedom, but pride of knowledge leads one to hell.
A single act of selflessness can turn hell into heaven. The habit of giving rather than asking is the tool for an enduring relationship.
Silence is the best language. Sri Ramana Maharishi
Only the joy that comes from right conduct is true happiness. Other pleasures are really sources of pain and causes of shame.Thirukural
A god-fearing person can never be religious, because if you fear God you cannot love him. ~ Osho ~
The most beautiful thing is to see a person's simling face.And even more beautiful is, knowing that u r the reason behind it.
Follow me on twitter for blissful darshan and messages of Baba
Om Sai Ram

Monday, November 30, 2009
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